讲座预告 讲座视频


Vinayagum Chinapah
2024-11-26 15:00:00
2024-11-26 17:00:00

Vinayagum Chinapah教授于2009-2017年期间担任瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学国际教育学院(IIE)的前院长和前主席。Chinapah教授曾在联合国教科文组织巴黎总部担任联合国教科文组织和联合国儿童基金会“教育和学习成绩质量监测”的联合机构间项目主任,该项目在此期间(1992-2006年)覆盖了全球约80个国家。他还曾在联合国教科文组织驻黎巴嫩贝鲁特地区办事处担任联合国教科文组织阿拉伯国家区域教育顾问一年(2007-2008年),之后于2009年1月返回并领导斯德哥尔摩大学国际教育研究所。他在过去45年来为多个机构提供了研究、培训、能力发展、咨询和高级教育政策咨询服务----联合国机构(教科文组织、儿童基金会、开发计划署、粮农组织)、国际组织(世界银行、经合组织)、双边机构(瑞典国际开发署、芬兰国际事务交流与合作中心、挪威国际发展署、加拿大国际发展署、英联邦秘书处和葡萄牙联邦委员会)以及全球约145个国家的国家政府和机构。自1981年以来,作为国际和比较教育领域的全职学者,Chinapah教授已指导并共同指导了来自世界各地大学的70多名博士和600多名硕士毕业生。Chinapah教授撰写、合著和编辑了大约80本书和书籍章节,并发表了大量科研论文和委托报告。他是多个国家和国际教育研究协会、评估基金会和理事会的成员,并在包容性全球南方的许多大学担任客座教授。Chinapah教授2023年获得了享有盛誉的“明远教育奖”海外类中国教育研究杰出贡献奖。

A Brief Introduction to the Keynote Speaker

Professor Vinayagum Chinapah is the former Director and Chair Holder of the Institute of International Education (IIE), Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden during the period 2009-2017. Professor Chinapah served at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris as Director of the Joint UNESCO-UNICEF Inter-Agency Program for Monitoring the Quality of Education and Learning Achievement which covered some 80 countries world-wide during the period (1992-2006). He also served for one year as UNESCO Regional Educational Adviser for the Arab States, UNESCO Regional Office, Beirut, Lebanon (2007-2008) before returning to lead IIE-Stockholm University in January 2009. He has done research, training, capacity development, consultancies, and high-level educational policy advisory services for several UN agencies (UNESCO, UNICEF. UNDP, FAO); International agencies (The World Bank, OECD); bilateral agencies (SIDA, Finnish CIMO, NORAD, CIDA, Commonwealth Secretariat, and Portuguese FCT) and several national governments and institutions in some 145 countries world-wide over the past 45 years. As a full-time academic in the field of International and Comparative Education since 1981, Professor Chinapah has supervised and co-supervised up to date more than 70 PhD and 600 MA graduated students from universities worldwide. Professor Chinapah has authored, co-authored, and edited some 80 books and books’ chapters, and published an extensive number of scientific articles, and commission reports. He is member of several national and international educational research associations, evaluation foundations and councils and serves as Visiting Professor at many universities in the Inclusive Global South. Professor Chinapah is the 2023 Laureate of the prestigious Ming Yuan Education Foundation Award for Outstanding Overseas Contribution to China’s Education Research.



An Abstract of the Lecture:

This lecture will delve into the odyssey and vision of International and Comparative Education (ICE). The keynote speaker, a veteran expert in the domain, will recount his personal journey about the role he and his team have played in China’s inaugural foray into international comparative educational research since the 1980s. Spanning over four decades, he has fostered collaboration with China on capacity-building endeavors, mentored a multitude of PhD and Master's scholars, and been instrumental in driving global education initiatives. The lecture will unravel diverse strategies for capacity development, impart invaluable lessons learned, and underscore the paramount importance of inclusivity and empowerment within the realm of ICE. It will provide an opportunity to glean insights and reflections from a visionary researcher and leader who is steadfastly committed to ensuring quality education for all.


Tencent Meeting:889-521-836


Host: Qiong Zhu,(Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Education, Peking University)

社会科学学部 / 教育学院
