
本课程是国际研究型大学联盟IARU的2020年暑期课程之一,由北京大学国际暑期学校 PKUSSI 组织。本课程以中国环境挑战和可持续发展问题为核心,讲授内容包括中国环境污染的历史与现状、污染来源、环境政策等。本网站展示的4个视频是课程的部分内容,主要围绕北京、广州、上海的灰霾治理,包括PM2.5的监测、模拟及控制措施。首先是北京大学郑玫教授对中国PM2.5特征的介绍,其次是清华大学王书肖教授、暨南大学王雪梅教授及上海环境监测中心副主任伏晴艳博士分别以北京、广州和上海为例,介绍污染物的来源及相关污染控制政策等内容,尤其是对中国近年来如何改善空气质量进行了介绍。本课程主要是通过课堂授课方式进行,学生需完成布置的阅读任务,并积极参与课堂讨论。课程成绩由课堂表现、中期论文、小组汇报和期末论文四部分构成。This course is one of the courses of International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) offered in 2020. It is organized by the Peking University Summer School International (PKUSSI). This course focuses on topics of environmental challenges and sustainability in China. The content includes history of air pollution in China, current status, sources of pollutants, and major environmental policies. The videos of four lectures here are part of the courses, which are about haze control in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, including measurement, modeling, and control measures for PM2.5. It starts with the introduction lecture of PM2.5 characteristics in China by Prof. Mei Zheng from Peking University, followed by the lectures by Prof. Shuxiao Wang from Tsinghua University, Prof. Xuemei Wang from Jinan University, and Dr. Qingyan Fu, Deputy Director of Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. They introduce sources of air pollutants and control measures in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, especially how China has improved its air quality in recent years.This course is given primarily by lectures. The students should complete reading assignments, and they are expected to actively participate in class discussion. Final evaluation is based on class participation, essay, presentation, and final report.第一讲  中国灰霾污染简介第二讲  北京大气污染第三讲  广州大气污染第四讲  上海大气污染
